Saturday, April 23, 2011


Breaks are good. They are good. or so I am told.

I had given up hope of ever competitively writing or posting online again. No one follows my blogs, and sort of seemed ostentatious to write into thin air. But what the hell, lets see.

Three factors contributed to my return to the Blagosphere, (XKCD spellings)

Someone shared with me this delightful Tumblr page: Local Tea Party (Particularly, this post and this post). This led to me starting my own Tumblr page, Aiyoo Devre!

Then, I happened to read this candid blog, Pri's World, And it shamed me that my own blogposts were last dated in 2008 and 2009.

The final spark came from Chamko Rani who incidentally also rekindled her interest in posting online again.

All in all, how long I can sustain this, {insert cliche about sustaining long term plans in life, and perseverence}


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